Hair transplant price in Turkey - all inclusive package
The price of hair transplant in Turkey is one of the main reasons that around 500,000 men all over the world choose to have hair transplant surgery in Istanbul, Turkey. The price of hair implants is very attractive in this country.
In European countries, for many people, it is difficult to afford a hair transplant because the operations are expensive and charged at the transplant. Most hair transplant clinics in Turkey offer their patients "all inclusive" rates. These rates include the necessary medications, all free transfers and accommodation, and the price is not affected by the number of transplants. They also promise that there are no hidden charges, which leaves no question marks for patients.
Compared to the cost of a hair transplant in France or other European countries, the price of a hair transplant in Turkey is a third or a quarter. Most Turkish hair transplant clinics offer prices ranging from 1,300 to 2,000 euros.
Hair transplant: is a low price synonymous with poor quality?
Hair transplant in Turkey may make some people hesitate who think that low price means low quality.
The reason why the price of Hair Transplant in Turkey and other treatments are so affordable is the balance between Turkish currency and EURO and USD. Balance of money is the main reason why you can benefit from hair transplant and other quality treatments in clinic or hospital in Turkey without spending a lot of money.
Over the past two decades, the number of Turkish surgeons working in the field of hair transplantation has increased significantly, which has increased competition. As a marketing strategy, the clinics have therefore reduced their costs.
Turkish doctors and hospitals are renowned for their experience and for having successfully completed difficult surgeries. When doing your research, you should know that Turkey has been one of the top destinations for dental treatment, eye surgery, and plastic surgery for many years. And now Turkey is fast becoming the top destination for hair transplants.
In addition, clinics that perform hair transplants must be licensed by the Turkish Ministry of Health. Regular visits ensure that clinics meet the highest quality standards.
Hair transplant in Turkey, what is included in an all-inclusive package?
An all-inclusive package for a hair transplant means that the price includes:
Transfers from the airport to the hotel and from the hotel to the clinic
Medications you need before, during and after the operation
Accommodation in a 4 or 5 star hotel
A translator who can speak your native language
Free online tracking services
You can plan your trip before landing in Turkey, and you will know exactly how much you will pay for your FUE or DHI hair transplant.
What factors affect the cost of hair transplant surgery in Turkey?
Doctors' experience: There are many doctors and clinics in Turkey that offer hair transplants. The price differences between these clinics are very significant. The best option for you is to check the reviews and the history of the clinics before you make up your mind.
Hotel: You can choose a 5 star or 4 star hotel for accommodation, which are included in the rates. You may want to save money by choosing a 4-star hotel or enjoy the extra comfort in a 5-star hotel.
Technique: There are many techniques used for hair transplantation. Some of them are advanced and special materials are used, resulting in additional cost. The cost may vary slightly depending on the technique and materials used.
Number of Grafts: Although most clinics offer flat rates, there are also clinics that charge per graft. It is advisable to know the number of transplants to know how much you are going to pay.
How much does a hair transplant cost in Turkey?
In Turkey, the average cost of an all-inclusive hair transplant is 2,300 euros, the minimum cost 1,100 euros and the maximum cost 6,000 euros. The cost mentioned is almost three times lower than the average price of packages in other European countries. In France, a hair transplant costs around 6,000 euros, in the United Kingdom 6,500 euros, in Spain 5,950 euros, in Poland 5,300 euros (price based on 1,500 grafts).
How much do 3000 grafts cost in Turkey?
As part of a hair transplant, we treat an average of 3000 grafts, and 3000 grafts equivalent to 7500 hairs. Most hair transplant clinics in Paris only do 1500 hair transplants, and present this figure to the patient as if it were 4000 transplants.
Hair transplant with 3000 grafts is no more and no less, that is why the price calculations are made on 3000 grafts in hair transplant, and the price of hair transplant is presented in this way to people who are considering transplant. Some hair transplant clinics incorrectly claim that they cannot transplant more than 3,000 grafts. If the patient's donor area allows, more than 3000 grafts can be transplanted. On the other hand, excessive harvesting to perform a hair transplant with more than 3000 grafts is dangerous and can leave visible holes. Therefore, proper planning before the operation is the key to a successful hair transplant.
Clinics offering "per graft" prices for hair transplantation vary from clinic to clinic, but the prices offered are generally between 1,500 and 4,500 euros for 3,000 grafts. People with total hair loss may therefore need 2 or more hair transplant sessions, as 3,000 grafts will certainly not be enough. You can therefore choose clinics that include a maximum of grafts in their prices, which will be more advantageous for you.
What are the advantages of Hair Transplant in Turkey?
Getting hair transplant in Turkey has these advantages:
Experienced doctors: Turkey, and more particularly Istanbul, being considered as the capital of hair transplants, many specialist and professional doctors are known all over the world. These doctors are constantly updating their skills in order to meet the expectations of their patients.
Advanced Technologies: Istanbul clinics use the most advanced technologies, such as sapphire blades, to guarantee their patients the best possible outcome.
Holidays: Turkey is well known as a tourist destination. You can have a great vocation before you have surgery.
Data Protection Regulation: Turkey has a data protection regulation similar to that of the countries of the European Community. You can be sure that your transaction is confidential.
Safety: In Turkey, hair transplant operations can only be performed in approved clinics. These clinics must comply with the emergency regulations of the Turkish Ministry of Health. You will always know that you are in good hands.
Cost: The cost of a hair transplant in Turkey is perhaps the most attractive factor for people who choose to have hair transplant in Istanbul.
Why Grand Umran for Hair Transplant?
Grand Umran established a department in 2012 to meet the needs of its international patients. We have been working in the field of hair transplantation for many years. Our doctors are highly experienced and obsessed with quality.
To guarantee the quality of the operation and allow you to obtain the best possible result, each step of your operation is checked and recorded in your medical file.
Sterilization and hygiene are a must at Grand Umran Clinic. When you walk into our operating rooms, you know exactly that you are safe.
All our staff have undergone monthly training on emergency situations and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Grand Umran has had many happy and satisfied patients over the past three years. When a person is looking for a hair transplant clinic, one of the most important points is the experience of previous patients. We urge you to check out what our satisfied patients have to say about us.
Grand Umran Clinic Follow-up Program
After the operation, you need some time to heal. Unlike most other cosmetic surgery operations, the results of a hair transplant are not visible immediately after the operation. During this period, Grand Umran Hair Clinic will help you. Our team and our doctors will answer all your questions and assess you if necessary.
For more information about our hair clinic, visit www.grandumran.com .
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Free consultation
You can use this form to request a free consultation with a hair transplant specialist. This form contains the necessary steps to get in touch with a specialist who will help you achieve the result you want. find out more